Dr. Ali Attila Aydın

Emergency Medicine Specialist

Dr. Ali Attila Aydın

Dr. Attila Aydın is an Emergency Medicine Specialist with expertise in with mesotherapy, skin rejuvenation, PRP and pain management, ozone treatment. He earned his medical degree in Gülhane Medical Faculty in Ankara and completed his Emergency Medicine Residency at Gülhane Research and Training Hospital.

Dr. Aydın authored numerous peer-reviewed publications. He has made many presentations on his expertise area in National Congresses in Turkey. H

e has worked in Gülhane Research and Training Hospital and Acıbadem Altunizade Hospital.  His special interest is on weight management, and ozone, mesotherapy, pain management treatment. He founded Ali Attila Aydın Wellness Center in 2018.

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Account Name: Ali Attila Aydın

Account IBAN Number: TR 51 0011 1000 0000 0084 3497 23 (USD)

Account IBAN Number: TR 66 0011 1000 0000 0084 3497 44 (Euro)





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